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Policies & Procedures Manual Pdf


Board of Trustees (1000s)

Section 10, paragraph 10 of the Federal Reserve Act states: 'The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall keep a complete record of the action taken by the Board and by the Federal Open Market Committee upon all questions of policy relating to open-market operations and shall record therein the votes taken in connection with the determination of open-market policies and the. TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL 7 P a g e policies established by the Board. The Board further entrusts the FBCC administration to implement them through more specific regulations and procedures. The responsibility to follow these policies is placed on all of the staff employed by FBCC. 1.2 Strategic Planning.

College assets may be named for individuals or entities making significant contributions that support the College’s mission and goals, enhancing College programs, services, facilities and/or grounds.

The Board of Trustees of Highline College has the authority to name individual college buildings and major land areas, at the recommendation of the President.

The Board of Trustees of Highline College delegates to the President the authority to name individual college rooms, lecture halls and other centers of activity.

Original Signed March 13, 2003 Michael J. Allan, Chair Highline College Board of Trustees

In keeping with Board Resolution No. 35-85, the following outlines the procedure for developing new Board or College policies or changing existing policies. It provides for involvement in identifying matters to be addressed through policy and for the formal review of the policy by major campus organizations before policy statements are presented to the President.

Organizations included are Administrative Cabinet, Faculty Senate, Highline College Student Government, Instruction Cabinet, Student Affairs Council, and the Washington Public Employees Association. Final action on Board policies is by the Board of Trustees, for College policies by the President.


Board Policy A general principle which serves as a guideline; a fundamental, philosophical basis for operation; a statement against which practices, procedures, and programs can be tested for general consistency with the institutional mission statement.

Board policies are usually few in number, broad in scope, and are usually unchanged by alterations of operational practices and procedures. Board policies include items specifically required by law such as delegation to the President, check cashing, commercial operations, etc or those items like the College Strategic Plan that are broad statements of purpose and direction.

College Policy Statements governing college wide operations, that do not require Board approval, and express the intent of the college community concerning the work of administrators, faculty and staff who have the daily responsibility for operating the College. College policies are adopted through the Policy Development Process as described in this document.

Procedure An ordered statement of actions, steps, processes to be followed in carrying out the work, assignments, or functions, of an organization or institution. Procedures must be consistent and in harmony with the policies that govern the organization or institution and approved and disseminated by the appropriate Vice President, posted on the College web site, and when affecting more than one area, approved by the College’s executive staff.

Policy Development Council The Policy Development Council (PDC) shall be composed of the chairs, or their representatives, of the organizations listed above.

The purpose of this organization shall be to define all proposals as a Board or College policy or college procedure and to track the proposal through the various Councils in a timely fashion. Since the President presides over the Administrative Cabinet, it is suggested that the President appoint a Cabinet member to the Policy Development Council. The President will appoint the Administrative Cabinet representative who will coordinate the meetings and agendas. The Council will elect its own chair on an annual basis.

The Role of the Policy Development Council

  1. Any of the above listed organizations may submit a proposed Board or college wide policy to the Policy Development Council with the exception of those covered by Section 901 of the negotiated agreement of the College and the Highline College Education Association. Within two weeks, the Council will then send it to the other organizations for their approval, disapproval, or recommended changes. All responses will be forwarded to the Policy Development Council no later than two weeks following the receipt of the policy. If the organization fails to respond, it will be assumed they concur with the proposal. The council may determine that the proposal does not meet the definition of a College wide policy and refer it back to the sponsoring council. The Policy Development Council will act within two weeks of receiving any revisions back.
  2. The Policy Development Council will then consider the original proposal and any submitted modifications. The Policy Development Council may send the revised proposal back to the organizations for their consideration or send the original and the revised proposal on to the President with its recommendation. If the revised proposal is sent back to the organizations, their written response about the new, revised proposal must be submitted by the new deadline.
  3. Any staff member or student or groups of either may submit a policy proposal to the Policy Development Council. The Council will then try to find a sponsoring organization from one of the organizations listed above. If there is an organization that will sponsor the proposal, then the Council will follow the same procedure as stated in #1 and #2. If there is no sponsoring organization, the proposal dies.
  4. Within two weeks of receiving the proposal the President will take action and communicate this action. These actions could include but are not limited to:
    1. Present the Policy Development Council endorsed proposal to the Board of Trustees with recommendation.
    2. Present the Policy Development Council endorsed proposal to the Board of Trustees without recommendation.
    3. Return the proposal to the Policy Development Council requesting consideration of the presidential revisions.
    4. Present a presidentially revised proposal to the Board of Trustees along with the proposal forwarded by the Policy Development Council.
    1. Accept or reject the College policy.
    2. For Board policies:

Approved by the Board of Trustees October 10, 2002

Original signed on October 10, 2002 Michael J. Allan, Chair Highline College Board of Trustees

Academic Affairs (2000s)

Academic freedom allows all faculty to seek and present knowledge in their respective disciplines. Faculty members are free to explore problem and issues, without fear of interference from administrators, the Board of Trustees, governmental agencies, the public, students or parents of students. Faculty members have a basic responsibility to promote freedom of thought, expression and the pursuit of knowledge.

Faculty members have an obligation to protect students’ rights to freedom of inquiry. In using potentially controversial materials, the faculty member has the obligation to ensure the material meets the valid educational objectives of the class. Faculty members have the responsibility to exercise reasonableness and good judgment in their presentations and to function within the ethics and standards of their respective disciplines and the teaching profession.

Students are expected to maintain a high standard of honesty in their academic work. Cheating and plagiarism are specifically prohibited under the college’s Student Rights and Responsibilities provisions.

Acts of cheating may include submitting for credit work that is not the student’s own, copying examination answers from fellow students or other sources or assisting other students in acts of these kinds.

Plagiarism, the presentation of another’s writing or ideas as one’s own, can take a number of forms – failing to cite sources, copying source text or online sources without quotation, or inadequately paraphrasing or synthesizing source materials.

Students who are unsure of what might constitute plagiarism or cheating are encouraged to consult their instructors, class materials and other college resources for guidance.

Highline’s Academic Standards Policy was established to maintain excellence in academic standards and to encourage students to assume responsibility for their own academic progress. Academic standards also ensure that students with educational difficulties are informed of the many resources available at Highline.

The Academic Standards Policy applies to all Highline students enrolled in credit courses.

First Quarter Probation

A student attempting six or more credits in graded courses at Highline College will be placed on first quarter probation when his or her cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.0

All students on first quarter probation will receive a notification letter about his or her academic status and steps to take to improve educational success. A student placed on first quarter probation must meet with an adviser to discuss his or her educational plans and campus resources prior to registering in classes for the next quarter.

A student on first quarter probation will not be able to register for a future quarter before meeting with an adviser. Students on first quarter academic probation who do not have a faculty advisor or who are unable to schedule an appointment with their faculty adviser should come to the Educational Planning and Advising Center and meet with an academic adviser.

A student on first quarter probation may not take more than 15 credits without written permission from the Director of the Educational Planning & Advising Center or a faculty adviser.

Second Quarter Probation

A student on first quarter probation who attempts six or more credits in graded courses at Highline College and earns less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA, will be placed on second quarter probation unless his or her quarterly GPA is 2.25 or higher, in which case the student will remain on first quarter probation.

A student placed on second quarter probation will not be able to register for a future quarter before meeting with an adviser. Students on second quarter academic probation who do not have a faculty adviser or who are unable to schedule an appointment with their faculty adviser should come to the Educational Planning and Advising Center and meet with an academic adviser.

A student on second quarter probation may not enroll in more than 15 credits without written permission from the director of the Educational Planning & Advising Center or the faculty adviser.


If a student on second quarter probation attempts six or more credits in graded courses at Highline College and earns less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA, the student will be suspended unless his or her quarterly GPA is 2.25 or higher, in which case the student will remain on second quarter probation. The office of the vice president for Student Services will notify these students. A suspended student who has already registered will have his or her registration cancelled. and the tuition and fees refunded.

A student who is suspended from Highline College will not be permitted to enroll for any credit courses for three consecutive quarters from the end of the quarter for which the suspension occurred. A student who returns after suspension will automatically be placed on first quarter probation status.

A student who fails to maintain the required academic standards due to special or extraordinary circumstances may petition the Scholastic Review Committee for conditional reinstatement. Petition forms are available in the office of the Vice President for Student Services in Building 6, room 218.

Students are expected to attend all sessions of their classes. Some instructors may require class attendance as part of their grading criterion. Only students in a valid status may attend classes.
Highline’s catalog contains general information about the college and its programs, courses, services, staff and policies. Information is subject to change between catalog updates. It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with all academic and administrative regulations and procedures that relate to his or her course of study.
Students are responsible for meeting the requirements of any course in which they are enrolled. Instructors will inform students of course requirements in the course syllabus.

College Credits

Courses offered during the instructional year are assigned credit values of one of more credits. In general, a class that meets two hours a week awards two hours of credit per quarter; one that meets five hours a week awards five credit hours. Some classes, such as laboratories, may vary from this pattern.

Necessary preparation time will also vary according to the class and the student’s background.

Credits are earned only for courses in which students are officially enrolled.

One semester credit hour is equivalent to one and one-half quarter credit hours.

Credit Load

Students intending to enroll in more than 18 credits must meet the following conditions:

Have completed at least 15 credits of college level (100 or above) coursework

Have a 3.0 or better college-level GPA

Have a 3.0 or better college-level GPA The maximum enrollment is 23 credits per quarter.

Students seeking an exemption from the policy must submit a written request to their advisor of record. When the advisor of record is a faculty member, the request may be approved by that instructor or that instructor’s division chair. When there is no assigned advisor of the assigned advisor is a Student Services staff member, the request may be approved by the Vice President for Student Services (or designee). In either case, the decision of the reviewer is final.

Placement Information

Advanced Placement: Students may receive college credit for a score of three or above on an Advanced Placement test taken in high school. In some subjects, 10 to 15 credits may be awarded for a score of five. Advanced Placement credit may be used to satisfy distribution or elective requirements.

For a list of Advanced Placement course exams and their credit equivalency, see the “Advanced Placement Equivalency Table“.

Military Service Schools, Military Experience, DANTES, Clep and Other Training: Credit may be granted for training received at other institutions as recommended by the American Council on Education. To receive credit, a student must present evidence of satisfactory completion of such education to the credentials evaluator in the Registration office in Building 6. Credit for this type of learning may be used for restricted /grey area credit only and is limited to 15 credits for the transfer associate degree.

Examination of Challenge: A currently enrolled student who believes previous professional, business or educational experience, or private study has provided the skills and knowledge required for passing a course offered by Highline may be permitted to challenge that course by examination.

Courses that may be challenged and procedures for challenging can be obtained from the department that schedules the course.

Credit for this type of learning may be used for distribution or elective credit and is limited to 15 credits for the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees. For details, speak with the credentials evaluator in the Registration office in Building 6.

International Baccalaureate: Highline will grant five credits for each higher level subject in which a score of five or higher is achieved. These credits may be used to satisfy distribution or elective requirements.

Note: International Baccalaureate credits used at Highline may not transfer to other colleges or universities. Students need to check with the individual schools. To request your IB official transcript, please see the following:

In order to evaluate/transfer your AP/IB courses, you must request this from Registration and Records. Please go here to find form and directions: https://registration.highline.edu/student-records/transcript-evaluations/

Departmental Placement: Individual departments have different requirements.

English: All English writing courses have prerequisites of either previous courses, high school transcripts, or minimum scores on either the Reading COMPASS or ESL COMPASS placement tests. Students should check the quarterly class schedule before enrolling in an English course.

Mathematics: Most MATH or MATH& courses have prerequisites of either a previous course in college or high school or a minimum score on the MyMathTest (MMT), Highline’s placement test. Students should check the quarterly class schedule before enrolling in a mathematics course. For information, contact a mathematics instructor.

Reading: Many courses require a minimum COMPASS reading score.

World Languages: Most world language courses have prerequisites of a previous course, grade and/or minimum score on the COMPASS placement test. Students can usually select the right level for their first college foreign language course by using these guidelines:

  • Students who have not studied – or who have very minimal study in – a foreign language, enter 121;
  • Students who have successfully completed (grade 2.0 or better) two years of a high school language are ready for 122;
  • Students who have successfully completed three years of a high school language are ready for 123;
  • Students who have successfully completed more than three years of a high school language enter 221;
  • Students who have considerable preparation other than high school and college and some fluency in the language can enter 221;
  • Native speakers of a language must register for 221 or higher.

Students are urged to discuss preparation for world language study with their adviser or the instructor of the language so that satisfactory placement can be made. Instructors will help place students through the end of the registration period.

Caution: Some four-year colleges and universities do not grant credit for 101 or 121 to students who entered college in fall 1987 or later if they had two or more years of that language in high school.

Transfer Credits

Highline College grants academic credits toward its degrees for courses completed at other regionally accredited institutions. To have other colleges’ transcripts evaluated, an official transcript must be sent to the credentials evaluator in Building 6, along with a “Request to Evaluate Official Transcripts from Other Institutions” form. The form is available in the Registration office in Building 6. Students will receive a copy of the transcript record upon completion of the evaluation.

All examinations must be taken at the times scheduled by the instructors. A request to take an examination at any other time must be approved by the instructor.
A final examination or evaluation is part of each course. Students are required to take the final examination or participate in the evaluation at the scheduled time in order to complete the course and receive credit. A final examination schedule is included in the quarterly class schedule.
A student completing an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree who achieves a college-level cumulative GPA of 3.5 to 4.0 is eligible for honors at graduation. The transcript will indicate “Honors”. Winter quarter GPA is used for students who are scheduled to complete degree requirements during spring or summer quarter.

College Year: The college instructional year consists of fall, winter and spring quarters of approximately 11 weeks each and a summer quarter of about eight weeks.

During the instructional year, class sections are offered during the early morning, late afternoon and evening hours at the college and at other sites throughout the district. Transfer, professional-technical and basic skills courses are offered during summer quarter, as well.

College Quarters: Highline offers classes on a quarterly schedule. Fall quarter classes begin in late September, winter quarter begins in January and spring quarter begins in late March or early April. Summer quarter begins in June.

Highline College provides a process through which students can seek resolution of complaints about instructional matters. Typically, these matters include grades and classroom practices. Complaints must be initiated within 120 days of the end of the quarter in which the precipitating incident(s) occurred. Excluded from this process are those complaints for which other specific remedies are provided such as Title IX discrimination claims.

An attempt should be made to resolve all instructional complaints in an informal manner. The interests of all are best served when complaints are resolved at the lowest possible level of the administrative structure.

Step 1: Discussion with Faculty Member

The student should first discuss the situation with the faculty member involved, before meeting with anyone else. Any employee of the college receiving a complaint concerning a faculty member shall encourage the complainant to meet with the faculty member involved.

Step 2: Discussion with Department Coordinator and/or Division Chair

If the student has already discussed the matter with the faculty member or refuses to do so, and desires to pursue the complaint, the student will be directed to meet with the division chair if the complaint is against a full-time faculty member, or with the department coordinator if the complaint is against a part-time faculty member.

Upon hearing the complaint, the chair or department coordinator should attempt to facilitate resolution by encouraging further discussions between complainant and the faculty member, using a third-party intermediary if necessary. If after all attempts at an informal resolution have failed, the following steps must occur.

Step 3: Written Grievance to Division Chair and Faculty Member

If all attempts at an informal resolution have failed, the student must submit in writing to the chair and the faculty member involved the complaint and a chronology of the attempts at resolution. The interests of all are served by dealing with complaints in a timely manner. The division chair will promptly forward a copy of all these materials to the faculty member. In the exceptional case where the division chair feels that the interest of satisfactory resolution is best served by dealing with complaints in a timely manner. In the exceptional case where the division chair feels that the interest of satisfactory resolution is best served by temporarily delaying processing of the complaint, the chair may delay forwarding the materials to the faculty member by a maximum of 12 months from the date of submission of the written complaint. After receiving the materials from the division chair, the faculty member may choose to send the chair a written response to the complaint.

After reviewing the complaint with the parties involved, the chair will provide, in a timely manner, a written response to the complainant and faculty member, which includes the chair’s resolution to the complaint. Failure of the faculty member to comply with the resolution, if applicable, will be considered the same complaint and will be appealed to the chair.

Step 4: Appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs

If the student wishes to pursue the matter, he or she must provide to the vice president for Academic Affairs all written materials initially provided to the chair and the response from the chair.

Upon reviewing the complaint with the appropriate parties, the vice president for Academic Affairs (or designee) will provide an opportunity for the faculty member and the complainant to submit additional materials related to the written complaint. The vice president for Academic Affairs (or designee) may consider other related complaints in reaching a resolution.

Prior to issuing a written response, the faculty member will have the opportunity to review all written materials the vice president for Academic Affairs (or designee) has considered in resolving the complaint(s). Copies of the vice president for Academic Affairs’ (or designee’s) resolution will be sent to the complainant and the faculty member.

Grade Point Average

Grade point average (GPA) is a measure of a student’s overall academic achievement. GPA is computed on both a quarterly and cumulative basis from those courses in which students have received grades. The cumulative GPA shown on the student’s transcript is based solely on courses taken at Highline and specifically excludes transfer credits.

GPA is computed by dividing the total cumulative grade points by the total possible credits for courses taken. Grade points are calculated by multiplying the number of credits by the numeric value of the grade for each course. The sum of the grade points is then divided by the total possible credits.

Credit or pass grades are printed on the transcript as CR and do not count in the quarterly or cumulative GPAs, but do count as credits earned. I, N, W and NC grade symbols do not count in the quarterly and cumulative GPAs and do not count as credits earned toward graduation.

Students are encouraged to review their transcripts carefully. Questions about grades, grade points or credits should be immediately presented to the instructor of the class or the registrar.

Grade Report

Grades are available approximately five days after the quarter ends at https://secure.highline.edu/wts/student/waci002.php.

Grading System

Highline uses a numerical grading system to measure and evaluate student performance. Instructors are responsible for measuring and evaluating the performance of their students and must provide a course syllabus that clearly defines the grading requirements for each course.

Instructors may report numerical grade points within a range of 0.7 to 4.0, in 0.1 increments. The grade of 0.0 does not satisfy minimum academic standards for earning credit.

Numerical grades measure achievement according to the following standards:

4.0 Highest achievement 2.0 Satisfactory achievement 0.7 Minimum achievement for credit 0.0-0.6 No credit

Note: Students are responsible for checking with appropriate departments for minimum grades required for program completion or as prerequisites for higher-level courses.

Other Grading Symbols

In addition to numeric grades, the following letter grades are also used. Of these, only the CR (credit) grade will be awarded college credit. Explanations of each symbol follow this list:

Virtua tennis 4. CR Credit

I Incomplete

N Audit

NC No Credit

R Repeated Class

W Withdrawal

CR: Credit. A grade of Credit (CR) may be granted for completion of course requirements at the 2.0 level or above. A CR grade must be initiated by the student at the time of registration or by the 15th instructional day of the quarter (an equivalent date is listed in the quarterly class schedule for summer).

The instructor will provide a numerical grade point evaluation, and if it is 2.0 or above, it will automatically be converted to CR by the registrar’s office. Otherwise, the numerical grade given by the instructor will be entered.

Only 15 CR credits are applicable toward the Associate of Arts Option A degree. CR credits may or may not be recognized by other institutions. Other degrees and programs will designate the maximum number of applicable CR credits. Divisions may designate specific courses which are only graded CR/NC.

I: Incomplete. An instructor may issue an I when the following conditions apply:

A student was still registered for the class after the official withdrawal date;

A student satisfactorily (grade of 2.0 or higher) completed at least 80 percent of the total coursework but was not able to complete all coursework due to extenuating circumstances;

A student and instructor have agreed on a date of completion to occur within the following 12 months;

A student and instructor have completed an “Incomplete Grade Contract” and submitted to Registration.

The I will be converted to a numerical grade or CR/NC upon completion of the course requirements. If the I is not removed through the completion of the requirements after 12 months, it will be converted to the grade earned, as shown on the “Incomplete Grade Contract.” This converted grade may not be changed. If an I grade is submitted and the instructor and student fail to file an Incomplete Grade Contract within one quarter, the grade will automatically convert to a 0.0.

N: Audit. Students may enroll for a course on an audit (N) basis. Regular tuition and fees are charged. The N does not carry decimal points.

NC: No Credit. NC indicates a student did not satisfactorily complete course requirements at the 2.0 level to receive credit. The NC grade is used only for courses designated by an instructional division as CR/NC, and carries no GPA calculation.

R: Repeated Class. The symbol R prefixed by a numerical grade or CR, such as 3.2R, indicates the class was repeated. See statement on repeating a course following this section.

W: Withdrawal. The W grade indicates that the student withdrew from the course, in keeping with college withdrawal policies. The W carries no credit, indicates neither passing nor nonpassing work at the time of withdrawal and does not affect GPA. Some courses, identified in the catalog and/or quarterly class schedule, require group participation and are not eligible for a W without the instructor’s permission.

If a withdrawal to the registrar’s office is submitted on or before the 15th instructional day of the quarter (an equivalent date will be listed in the quarterly class schedule for summer) the class will not be reported on the transcript.

First-week nonattendance. In order to accommodate students waiting to register for a course, instructors have the discretion to initiate a withdrawal at the end of the first week of the quarter (or its equivalent for summer). This withdrawal may be authorized when students do not attend at least 60 percent of the class time during the first week. Students should contact their instructors to request an exception to this policy so that in the event of unavoidable absences they will not be withdrawn.

*: Missing Grade. An asterisk (*) indicates that no grade was received from the instructor.

Repeating a Course

Students may repeat courses taken at Highline in order to improve their skills or GPA. To repeat a course, a student must reregister and pay all necessary fees. Upon completion of the repeated class, a student must notify Registration and Records to request the GPA recalculation be performed. A course may not be repeated more than twice to improve the cumulative GPA.

Grade Forgiveness Policy

(Approved by Faculty Senate, June 2, 2010)

This policy provides an option for qualified students to set aside or exclude quarters previously attempted or completed from the GPA, when the coursework does not reflect their true academic ability.

With written approval of the adviser, students who meet the conditions outlined below may petition the Registrar to exclude from their transcript grades that negatively affect their cumulative credits and cumulative GPA. All courses and credits prior to the selected quarter will be excluded.

Option 1

  • Student has not been enrolled for at least 1 year.
  • Student must have completed 15 credits with a 2.5 GPA or better (since returning to Highline).

Option 2

  • Student has less than a year’s break in enrollment.
  • Student must have completed 30 credits with a 2.5 GPA or better (after the most recent quarter to be excluded)

Further conditions:

Students cannot select individual courses or quarters for forgiveness. For example, if a student wishes to exclude courses in which failing or poor grades were received during the fourth quarter at Highline, all work taken during the first four quarters would be excluded.

Credits and grade points for excluded courses will be changed to zero (0) and will not be included in the Highline credit total and GPA. The course number, course title, and original grade will remain on the transcript.

Once forgiven, courses and credits may not be reinstated, may not be used as prerequisites, and may not apply toward degree requirements. Students will be allowed to have Grade Forgiveness applied once.

Financial Aid does not honor Grade Forgiveness.

Although Highline College makes provisions for Grade Forgiveness, students should not assume that other colleges to which they transfer will compute the GPA in the same manner. Only the Highline record can be set aside; the College cannot set aside records from other colleges.

“Grade Forgiveness Request” forms are available at the Registration Office, Building 6, lower level.


An official transcript is a grade report of academic achievement and carries the signature of the registrar and the college seal. Institutions receiving a transcript will interpret it according to their own policies.

Transcript request forms are available at the Registration office and www.studentclearinghouse.org. A fee for each transcript is payable at the time of the request. Current fees are available at https://registration.highline.edu/registration/fees/.

For an unofficial copy of a transcript, visit https://secure.highline.edu/wts/student/waci002.php

Transcripts from Other Schools

Highline does not release or certify copies of transcripts from other institutions. Transcripts that have been submitted to Highline from previously attended secondary schools and colleges become part of Highline’s official file and may not be returned to the student or the college.

Official transcripts from previously attended schools and colleges must be received by the Registration office in Building 6 directly from the sending institution.

There is no inherent right to bring non-enrolled individuals (guests or children) into classes. Faculty members have full authority to deny such access to classrooms and to discourage such requests. To that end, faculty members are encouraged to include in course syllabi a statement about guests and children. However, faculty members may use their judgment in permitting guests or children to remain in class on an emergency or one-time/limited occasion basis. In determining the appropriateness of approving a request to permit a child or guest in class, faculty members should consider the following:

  • Under no circumstances should children (non-enrolled individuals under 18) be allowed into any laboratory or other hazardous area. If a student wishes to invite an adult guest into a laboratory or other hazardous area, specific arrangements with the instructor must be made beforehand. In such cases, the instructor should pay special attention to the guest’s understanding of safety precautions.
  • Neither guests nor children should be brought into any class on a regular basis.
  • The college environment should remain conducive to teaching and learning. Guests or children who are distracting either to the students or to the instructor should be asked to leave.
  • Children should remain under the supervision of the responsible parent/guardian while on campus, whether they are in classrooms, offices, or public areas.

Adopted by Instruction Cabinet October 14, 2002

In the use of human participants in instructional activities, Highline Community College’s policy is to protect the rights, well being, and personal privacy of individuals, to assure a favorable climate for the acquisition of technical skills and the conduct of academic inquiry, and to protect the interest of Highline Community College.

The policy for the Use of Human Participants in Instructional Activities addresses classroom, laboratory or clinical activities in which learning by students requires the use of human participants as part of the training procedures, demonstrations, and/or classroom experiments. This policy does not pertain to medical patients seen in clinical settings.

Student Services (3000s)


The purpose of the Academic Standards Policy is to assist students in the successful progression of completing credit bearing, graded classes that are reported on the academic transcript to meet completion of program of study and educational goals. The Policy provides early notification and intervention strategies to students who do not meet the required cumulative 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA).

The Vice President for Student Services is responsible for the oversight and implementation of this policy.

Satisfactory Academic Standing

Satisfactory Academic Standing is a status indicating a student is meeting the academic standards policy requirements by maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.

Early notification is provided to students who are meeting the academic standards policy, but whose quarterly GPA is below a 2.0. This emphasizes the importance of academic standards and the availability of campus support services.

Academic Probation

Academic Probation is a status indicating a student is not meeting the academic standards policy requirements. Students are on Academic Probation if both their cumulative and quarterly GPAs are below a 2.0. Students on probation are notified, and a hold is placed on future registration. Holds will be lifted after either meeting with an academic advisor, or attending a specified offering to develop an academic probation success plan.

Academic Alert

Academic Alert is a status indicating a student is not meeting the academic standards policy, but making quarterly progress. Students are on Academic Alert if their cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 and quarterly GPA is 2.0 or above. Students on alert are notified to emphasize the importance of academic standards and the availability of campus support services.

Academic Suspension

Academic Suspension is a status indicating a student has repeatedly not met the academic standards policy. Students are on Academic Suspension if their cumulative and quarterly GPAs are below 2.0 for two or more consecutive quarters. Students on suspension are notified with appeal options, and a hold is placed on their future registration.

Students and other interested persons can access information on completion and/or graduation rates; district security policies and crime statistics; athletic program participation rates and financial support data; completion and/or graduation rates for student-athletes; information regarding student records under the Family Education Rights and Privacy act (FERPA); and the alcohol and drug policy by visiting Highline’s Website.

Paper copies of the above documents may be obtained from the executive assistant for Student Services in Building 6, room 218.

Highline College

MS 6-11, P.O. Box 98000

Des Moines, wA 98198-9800

(206) 592-3077

Students at Highline College have certain rights regarding their educational records. These rights are part of the federal legislation known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Student Rights:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  4. The right to file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by Highline College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
  5. The right to obtain a copy of Highline College’s student records policy. You can obtain a copy of the policy from the Registrar’s office.
June commencement is a ceremony for those students who have completed or plan to complete their degree or certificate during fall, winter, or spring of the current academic year, or the summer quarter immediately following. Participation is not required. Ceremony participation does not guarantee degree completion.

Highline encourages all students to apply for graduation at least two quarters prior to the anticipated graduation date. The “Application for Graduation/Request for Graduation Evaluation” form is available at the Registration office in Building 6, lower level or online. Submission of the application form initiates an evaluation of all coursework applicable to the degree indicated. Upon completion of this process, students are notified of the results. A degree or certificate evaluator has determined all required coursework has been successfully completed. A student may not earn more than one transfer degree (AA-DTA) at Highline College.

The Graduation Review Board considers requests for substitutions and waivers to degree requirements. Such requests must be submitted in writing to the Graduation Review Board at the Registration office in Building 6.

The Student Complaint policy is published in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 1321-310.available online at /default.as0
Highline College is committed to ensuring a welcoming, inclusive and safe learning environment for all students. The Student Conduct Code (SCC) is a contractual agreement between the enrolled student and the College, and it is important that students be informed and knowledgeable about behavioral expectations and responsibilities to ensure their academic success. A student’s admission into Highline constitutes acceptance to comply with the Student Conduct Code. The process and procedures are not intended to be punitive, but rather to focus on students’ development and learning. Conduct administrators are dedicated to ensure respect, due process and fundamental fairness in the administration of the SCC.

Highline students have guaranteed rights within the limitations of statutory law and college policy as deemed necessary to achieve the educational goals of the college. Know your rights!

For complete information on Student Rights and the Code of Conduct, visit https://studentservices.highline.edu/srr.php

Students at Highline College have certain rights regarding their educational records. These rights are part of the federal legislation known as the FERPA.

Students have the right to the following:

  • Inspect and review their educational records within 45 days of the day that the college receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar in Building 6 a written request that identifies the record(s) that they wish to inspect. The registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  • Request the amendment of the students educational record(s) that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students have up to thirty (30) days after the quarter ends to request the college amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. The process for submitting such a request is to complete a Registration Petition Form, which is available on the Registration and Records website. The from must identify the change that needs to be made and why the record is inaccurate or misleading. Please note: There is a separate process for students who wish to file an Instructional Grievance to challenge a properly recorded grade. Information on the Instructional Grievance process is available from faculty, advisers and deans. If the college decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the registrar will notify the student of the decision in writing.
  • Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records may be made to Registration and Records. School officials with a legitimate interest may access academic records. A school official has a legitimate education interest if the official needs to review an education record to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

A school official is a person employed or contracted by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or support staff position (including campus safety officers). Additionally, it may include a person, company or agency with who the college has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, public service agency, education agency or school); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. Volunteers and interns serving in any of these capacities are also considered school officials.

Upon request, the college may disclose education records without student consent to officials of another school in which a student is concurrently enrolled, or seeks or intends to enroll. The college also may publish or provide the following directory information to any person who requests it: Student name, address, program of study, quarters of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities or sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, or degrees and awards received.

In addition, the college provides to military recruiters the following additional directory information: date and place of birth and level of education.

Students who do not wish the college to release their directory information must notify the registrar in writing.

Students may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Complaints should be sent to the office that administers FERPA:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202-5920

To comply with federal laws and assure students may take advantage of education tax credits, Highline College must request your Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). This information is used to report information for potential educational tax credits, to administer state/federal financial aid, to verify enrollment, degree and academic transcript records, and to conduct institutional research. If you do not submit you SSN/ITIN, you will not be denied access to the college; however, you may be subject to IRS civil penalties (refer to Internal Revenue Service Treasury Regulation 1.6050S-1(e)(4) for more information). Pursuant to state law (RCW 28B.10.042) and federal law (FERPA), the college will protect your SSN from unauthorized use and/or disclosure.

General Operations (4000s)

Highline College is committed to providing access to classrooms and educational spaces for all. The College will assist in finding a classroom that is accessible, upon request by the student. Revised November 2016 by Policy Development Council
The center for Leadership and Service maintains exterior campus bulletin boards for on-and off-campus events and activities. Anyone wishing to post materials should go to the Center for Leadership and Service for approval and posting procedures.

Highline College actively promotes and supports a learning and work environment which ensures social justice, mutual respect, understanding, civility, and non-violence. Highline College is committed to the elimination of discrimination based on biological sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnic background, national origin, class, economic status, age, military and veteran status, disability, language, culture, and religious beliefs.

Original Signed January 14, 2016 Dan Altmayer, Chair Highline College Board of Trustees Approved by the Board of Trustees January 14, 2016

All possession, consumption, and distribution of alcohol at Highline College shall be in accordance with all applicable Washington State laws and Highline College policies and procedures.

Alcoholic beverages may only be served at on-campus events with the prior written approval of the Vice President for Administration. No alcohol may be served at on-campus College events and activities during the regular business hours of 8AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday.

No college employee may possess or consume alcohol while on pay status.

Alcohol may not be served or consumed at any event sponsored or funded by student clubs or organizations, regardless of on or off campus.

Possession, consumption, and distribution of alcohol to and by anyone under the age of 21 is strictly prohibited on Highline College premises, including in all buildings owned, occupied, managed, or used by the college.

Revised November 2016 by Policy Development Council

Highline College may pursue collection efforts on any outstanding debts as authorized by RCW 19.16.500. In addition, the College may withhold services, including registration and transcripts, for outstanding debts as described in WAC 132I-122.

College debts include outstanding tuition and fees, returned checks, library fines, bookstore rentals, financial aid repayments, late fees, Student Tuition Easy Payment Plan (STEPP) payments and fees, parking citations, and other fees and fines owed to Highline College. Students and other debtors are responsible for paying all financial charges owed to Highline College upon the due date.

Revised November 2016 by Policy Development Council

Highline College strictly prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of controlled substances, including marijuana, on the college premises. The college premises is defined as all buildings and spaces owned, occupied, managed, or used by Highline College.

While Washington State I-502 decriminalizes the possession and use of marijuana under state law, the initiative prohibits the consumption of marijuana in public spaces, limits the use of marijuana to persons aged 21 years or older, and prohibits driving under the influence of marijuana. Initiative 502 does not repeal regulations prohibiting the use of marijuana and other controlled substances on college campuses. Federal laws criminalizing the manufacture, sale, and use of marijuana remain in place, as do federal regulations that require institutions of higher education to maintain drug-free campuses to qualify to receive federal financial aid (Attorney General of Washington, 2012).

Revised and updated April 27, 2018

On these occasions during the year Highline College closes its campus offices one hour early at 4:00 p.m.:

The day before the Thanksgiving holiday

The day before the Christmas holiday

The day before the New Year’s Day holiday

For information about emergency closures, visit the Suspended Operations Procedure page on the Human Resources site.

Exceptions to this are any services required for the operation of evening classes, security and maintenance. Those areas will maintain regularly scheduled hours.

The Highline College Board of Trustees herein reaffirms its policy of equal employment regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, genetic information or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran.

The Board is committed to affirmative action for Native Americans/Alaskan Natives, Asians/Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanics, women, persons age 40 and over, persons with disabilities, disabled veterans, and Vietnam era veterans.

This policy applies to all levels and in all segments of the College involving both academic and staff employees. The goal of the College is to ensure that there is truly equal opportunity for everyone. To this end, all matters relating to compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, return from layoff, college sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, social and recreation programs will be free of discriminatory practices without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran. The College, consistent with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), will not obtain any genetic information (including family medical history) from applicants or employees. It is the obligation of the Board, administration, and other supervisory personnel to ensure that faculty and staff at all levels carry out the intent and the spirit of this Equal Employment Policy and Affirmative Action Program.

The President of Highline College has the overall responsibility for assuring that the equal employment opportunity program is carried out, and has designated the Executive Director of Human Resources, (206) 592-3320 , as the Affirmative Action Officer for Highline College. It is the Board’s intent that this policy be carried out as a positive commitment by Highline College staff at all levels.

The President, on an annual basis, will publish a statement to all staff expressing commitment to this policy.

Report discrimination to: Executive Director of Human Resources MS 99-200, P.O. Box 98000 Des Moines, WA 98198-9800 (206) 592-3320

Highline College strictly prohibits the possession of any weapon on campus, except for commissioned law enforcement personnel, legally authorized military personnel, or approved contractors, while in performance of their duties. Weapons are defined as any firearm, cutting or stabbing instrument, club, explosive device, or any other objects designed or likely used to inflict bodily harm.

Employees, students, and visitors with a valid concealed weapons permit may store a firearm in his or her vehicle parked on campus in accordance with RCW 9.41.050 (2) or (3), provided the vehicle is locked and the weapon is concealed from view.

The president or designee may grant permission to bring a weapon on campus upon a determination that the weapon is reasonably related to a legitimate pedagogical purpose. Such permission shall be in writing and shall be subject to such terms or conditions incorporated in the written permission.

Adopted April 27, 2018

Highline College and the State of Washington are committed to the safety and well-being of their employees. The Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) maintains industrial insurance through the Washington State Fund to protect both workers and employers from the financial impact of a work-related injury or occupational disease. It pays for an injured worker’s approved medical, hospital and related services that are essential to his/her treatment and recovery. An injured worker who is temporarily unable to work may also receive partial wage replacement payments.

It is the policy of Highline College to provide equal opportunity in education and employment and not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, creed, religion, or status as a veteran of war as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, RCW 49.60.030 and their implementing regulations. Prohibited sex discrimination includes sexual harassment (unwelcome sexual conduct of various types).

Highline College recognizes the need for sustainable waste management and the need to protect natural resources. Therefore, the College will support a cost effective program that recycles products such as paper, glass, aluminum and plastic.


All requests to withdraw from classes must be received by the Registration office. Students may withdraw from a class via Web registration or at the Registration office. Tuition and fee refunds are issued according to the schedule published in the quarterly class schedule or visit https://registration.highline.edu/registration/dates-and-deadlines/.

Refunds require three weeks to process. Students receiving any form of financial assistance must consult with the Financial Aid office to determine the appropriate refund amount.

Summer Quarter, Late Start, Short Courses

Refunds for these courses will be computed on the basis of the number of instructional hours offered before withdrawal documentation is received in the Registration office. If the number of instructional hours offered is equivalent to five instructional days or less of the regular academic quarter, 100 percent of the amount paid will be refunded.

Canceled Classes

When a class is canceled by the college, the total amount paid for that class will be refunded unless the student enrolls in a replacement class. If the replacement class is for fewer credits than the canceled class, the difference will be refunded.

Sexual harassment is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Title IX of the Educational Amendment and is against Highline College’s policies and will not be tolerated in any form. It shall be the policy of Highline College, consistent with its efforts to respect the dignity and integrity of employees, students and the general public, to provide an environment free of sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is any unwanted verbal or physical sexual attention that is repetitive and one-sided. Report sexual harassment to:

Director of Human Resources

MS 99-200, P.O. Box 98000

Des Moines, WA 98198-9800

(206) 592-3812

Smoking is prohibited on campus except in designated areas (WAC 132I-124-010). In compliance with state law (Chapter 70.160 RCW), smoking of all kinds, including the use of electronic cigarette, is prohibited inside all buildings owned, occupied, managed, or used by the college. Smoking is also prohibited within twenty-five (25) feet from entrances, exits, windows, and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed area. Smoking is prohibited in all college-owned and leased vehicles.

Revised November 2016 by Policy Development Council

Highline College will commit to operate in a sustainable manner that simultaneously meets the economic, environmental, and social equity responsibilities of the College. The College will actively pursue currently implemented and innovative methods of sustainability in all three areas. Such practices will be applied throughout the campus, as a part of College’s relevant instructional practices, purchasing procedures, and resource management.

Developed by Associated Students of Highline College
Approved by Jack Bermingham Highline College President April 7, 2011

Highline College supports the concept of telecommuting and encourages the practice in those circumstances where telecommuting does not detract from the efficient or effective delivery of the services of the college. The benefits of telecommuting include: increased productivity and compliance with the State’s efforts to reduce traffic congestion during peak periods. Final approval for telecommuting is granted by the appropriate member of the Executive Staff.

As specified by OFM Policies 70.10 and 70.15 and in accordance with RCW 43.03.050, this policy establishes the guidelines for the purchasing and serving of food and light refreshments, using College funds, at a business meeting at Highline College. Meals and/or light refreshments may be purchased and served to college employees at business meetings, including workshops, conferences, and formal training sessions, under the following conditions:

  1. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct state business or to provide formal training that benefits the state; and
  2. The Vice President for Administration or designee has approved, in writing, the purchasing and serving of food and/or light refreshments PRIOR to the event, and
  3. The meal or light refreshment is an integral part of the meeting or training session; and
  4. The meeting or training session takes place away from the employee’s or official’s regular workplace; and
  5. The college requires the employee(s) to attend the business meeting; and
  6. The college obtains a receipt for the actual costs of the meals or the light refreshments. Cost per person may not exceed allowable per diem.

Expenditures for meals and/or light refreshments are prohibited in the following situations (OFM 70.10.30 & 70.15.20):

  1. For anniversaries of agencies, receptions for new, existing, and/or retiring employees or officials. EXCEPTION: Events that are a part of an official employee recognition program approved by the College are allowed.
  2. Any “hosting” activities, including but not limited to activities intended for lobbying a legislator or government official
  3. Election celebrations
  4. Normal daily business of Highline College employees
  5. Staff meetings
  6. Social events or open houses

The use of Services and Activities Fees for meals & light refreshments shall be in accordance with RCW 28B.15.031, RCW 28B.15.045, and subject to the approvals of the Board of Trustees.

Policy recommended for adoption by PDC on December 7, 2017

It is the policy of Highline College that its employees uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and professional behavior as applicable under the Ethics in Public Service law (RCW 42.52).

All newly hired employees must complete the Washington State Executive Ethics Board training within the first 90 calendar days of their employment.

The Vice President for Administration shall serve as the Chief Ethics Officer for Highline College and shall be responsible for providing and interpreting guidelines, advisory opinions, information, and training as applicable per the Washington State Executive Ethics Board rules.

Recommended for adoption by PDC December 7, 2017

Public Information and Institutional Advancement (5000s)

Information Technology (6000s)

Highline College has a strong commitment to intellectual growth and extended access of educational resources and opportunities. It is the intent of HC to maintain access for its community to local, national and international sources of information and to provide an atmosphere that encourages access to knowledge and the sharing of information. It is also the intent of the College to provide and maintain up-to-date, quality computing resources that allow for efficient and effective performance of instructional and administrative functions.

It is expected that members of the College community will use College computing resources with respect for the public trust through which they have been provided and in accordance with policy and procedures established by the College and its operating units.

This policy applies to all employees, students and the general public when using the college’s computing resources. It is each individual’s responsibility to use these resources in a manner that is efficient, ethical and legal.

In this policy, computing resources are defined as those computers (e.g.; personal digital assistants, laptops, desktops), peripherals, software, networks, electronic messaging systems (email, voice mail, facsimile) and imaging systems operated by or for the benefit of the students and employees of the College.

General Provisions

All users of Highline’s computing resources shall adhere to both the letter and spirit of this policy, to ensure a predictable and secure computing environment for all and compliance with Washington State ethics rules, statutes and regulations as well as the mission, policies and procedures of Highline College.

Links to relevant statutes, rules and policies:

Failure to comply may result in loss of access to College computing resources, as well as administrative, civil or criminal action under Washington State or federal law.

  • HC computing resources shall be used in accordance with local, state and federal laws.
  • HC computing resources shall not be used to transmit any communication in any form (e.g., text, images, sound) where the content or meaning of the message or its transmission or distribution would violate any applicable law or regulation. (e.g.:http://ethics.wa.gov/RESOURCES/FAQ.htm) Users must comply with licensing agreements and copyright laws. Duplication or use of software, images, music or other intellectual materials, which violates licensing agreements and copyright laws, is not permitted.
  1. It is the obligation of College employees to be aware of and comply with the governing law, rules, and guidelines set forth in Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service Act (Link #1 above) and WAC 292-110-010, Use of state resources (Link #2 above).
  2. It is the obligation of College students to be aware of their responsibilities as outlined in the Students Rights and Responsibilities policy (Link #4 above).
  3. It is the obligation of members of the general public using college computing resources to be aware of their rights and responsibilities as outlined in this policy, copies of which will be available at the Circulation Desk of the Library.

Users shall respect the rights and property of others and not improperly access or attempt to access, misuse, misappropriate or violate security of computing resources.

  • Sharing of passwords constitutes a violation to network security, which may lead to unauthorized use or misuse of campus resources. All computer account passwords are confidential and should not be shared with anyone. Individuals will be held accountable for any activity occurring through the use of their respective passwords.
  • Using someone else’s password, regardless of how it was obtained, is also a violation of this policy.
  • Running or installing a program intended to damage or create excessive load on any computer system or network is forbidden.
  • Using the campus network to gain unauthorized access to any computer system is forbidden.

In accordance with the SBCTC Accessible Technology Policy, technology and electronic content procured, developed, maintained, and used by Highline College (HC) will provide substantially similar functionality, user experience, and information access to individuals with disabilities as provided to others. This policy encompasses, but is not limited to, digital instructional materials, hardware, software, and Highline College web sites.

Recommended for adoption by PDC December 7, 2017

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to policy: public policy

pol·i·cy 1

1. A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters: American foreign policy; the company's personnel policy.
a. A course of action, guiding principle, or procedure considered expedient, prudent, or advantageous: Honesty is the best policy.
b. Prudence, shrewdness, or sagacity in practical matters: It is never good policy to speak rashly.
[Middle English policie, art of government, civil organization, from Old French; see police.]

pol·i·cy 2

1. A written contract or certificate of insurance.
[Obsolete police, from French, contract, bill of lading, from Old French, from Old Italian polizza, alteration of Medieval Latin apodixa, receipt, from Medieval Greek apodeixis, from Greek, proof, from apodeiknunai, to prove : apo-, intensive pref.; see apo- + deiknunai, to show; see deik- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈpɒlɪsɪ) n, pl-cies
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a plan of action adopted or pursued by an individual, government, party, business, etc
3. (often plural) Scot the improved grounds surrounding a country house
[C14: from Old French policie, from Latin polītīa administration, polity]


(ˈpɒlɪsɪ) n, pl-cies
(Insurance) a document containing a contract of insurance
[C16: from Old French police certificate, from Old Italian polizza, from Latin apodixis proof, from Greek apodeixis demonstration, proof]


(ˈpɒl ə si)
n., pl. -cies.
1. a definite course of action adopted for the sake of expediency, facility, etc.: a new company policy.
2. a course of action adopted and pursued by a government, ruler, political party, etc.: U.S. trade policy.
3. action or procedure conforming to or considered with reference to prudence or expediency.
5. government; polity.
[1350–1400; Middle English policie government, civil administration < Middle French < Latin polītīapolity]


(ˈpɒl ə si)
n., pl. -cies.
1. a document embodying a contract of insurance.
2. a method of gambling in which bets are made on numbers to be drawn by lottery.
[1555–65; < Middle French police (< Italian polizza < Medieval Latin apodīxa receipt « Greek apódeixis a showing or setting forth; see apodictic, -sis) + -y3]


- Meaning 'insurance document,' it is from a French word meaning 'certificate, contract,' from an earlier Latin word meaning 'a receipt or security for money paid.'


policypolitical1. 'politics'

The noun politics is usually used to refer to the methods by which people get, keep, and use power in a country or society.

Her parents never discussed politics.

When politics is used like this, you can use either a singular or plural form of a verb with it. It is more common to use a singular form.

American politics are very interesting.

Politics can refer to a particular set of beliefs about how countries should be governed or power should be used. When you use politics like this, you use a plural form of a verb with it.

Politics can also refer to the study of the ways in which countries are governed, and of the ways in which people get and use power. When you use politics like this, you must use a singular form of a verb with it.

Politics is often studied together with Economics.
2. 'policy'

There is no noun 'politic'. To refer to a course of action or plan that has been agreed upon by a government or political party, use policy.

3. 'political'

Don't use 'politic' as an adjective to mean 'relating to politics'. Use political.

Do you belong to a political party?
Noun1.policy - a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group; 'it was a policy of retribution'; 'a politician keeps changing his policies'
activism - a policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal
beggar-my-neighbor policy, beggar-my-neighbor strategy, beggar-my-neighbour policy, beggar-my-neighbour strategy - a policy of promoting oneself at the expense of others; used especially of national policy; 'the United States has pursued a beggar-my-neighbor policy'
plan of action - a plan for actively doing something
centralism - the political policy of concentrating power in a central organization
containment - a policy of creating strategic alliances in order to check the expansion of a hostile power or ideology or to force it to negotiate peacefully; 'containment of communist expansion was a central principle of United States' foreign policy from 1947 to the 1975'
moderationism - the policy of being moderate or acting with moderation
obscurantism - a policy of opposition to enlightenment or the spread of knowledge
Thatcherism - (England) the political policy of Margaret Thatcher
ultramontanism - (Roman Catholic Church) the policy that the absolute authority of the church should be vested in the pope
2.policy - a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government; 'they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation'
line of reasoning, logical argument, argumentation, argument, line - a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood; the methodical process of logical reasoning; 'I can't follow your line of reasoning'
clericalism - a policy of supporting the influence and power of the clergy in secular or political matters
plank - an endorsed policy in the platform of a political party
economic policy - a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues
social policy - a policy of for dealing with social issues
party line - the policy of a political group; 'He won in a vote along party lines'
foreign policy - a policy governing international relations
zero-tolerance policy - any policy that allows no exception; 'a zero-tolerance policy toward pedophile priests'
Zionism - a policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine
3.policy - written contract or certificate of insurance; 'you should have read the small print on your policy'
contract - a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law
floating policy, floater - an insurance policy covering loss of movable property (e.g. jewelry) regardless of its location


1.procedure, plan, action, programme, practice, scheme, theory, code, custom, stratagemplans which include changes in foreign policy
2.line, rules, approach, guideline, protocolsignificant changes in Britain's policy on global warming


An official or prescribed plan or course of action:


1. (gen, principles) → políticaf; [of party, at election] → programam; [of newspaper] → normasfpl de conducta
it's a matter of policyes cuestión de política
that's not my policyése no es mi sistema
to change one's policycambiar de táctica
it is a good/bad policyes buena/malatáctica
it would be contrary to public policy to do thisiríaen contradelinterésnacionalhacer esto
2. (o.f.) (= prudence, prudent procedure) → discreciónf
it is policy to wait a few dayses prudenteesperar unos días
B.CPDpolicy decisionNdecisiónf de principio
policy statementNdeclaraciónf de política


2[ˈpɒlɪsɪ]N (alsoinsurance policy) → pólizaf
to take out a policysacar una póliza, hacerse un seguro


[newspaper, company] →
(alsoinsurance policy) → policef
to take out a policy → souscrire une police d'assurance
modif [document, paper, debate] → de politiquegénérale; [change] → de politiquegénérale; [development, review, objective] → policy prioritypolicy adviser policy advisorn(to organization, prime minister)conseiller/ère m/fpolicy decision ndécisionfde principe


policy document
adj body, process, rolegrundsatzpolitisch
policy paper
policy unit


Politikf no pl; (of business)Geschäfts-or Firmenpolitikf(on bei), Praktikenpl (pej) (→ onin Bezug auf+acc); (of team, football manager: = tactics) → Taktikf; (= principle)Grundsatzm; social and economic policyWirtschafts- und Sozialpolitikf; our policy on immigration/recruitmentunsere Einwanderungs-/Einstellungspolitik; what is company policy on this matter?wie sieht die Geschäfts- or Firmenpolitik in diesem Falle aus?; the newspaper followed a policy of attacking the churchdie Zeitungverfolgte eine kirchenfeindlicheLinieorPolitik; a policy of restricting immigrationeine PolitikzurEinschränkung der Einwanderung; a matter of policyeine Grundsatzfrage; policy decisionGrundsatzentscheidungf; policy statementGrundsatzerklärungf; your policy should always be to give people a second chancedu solltest es dir zumGrundsatzmachen, Menschen eine zweite Chance zu geben; my policy is to wait and seemeine Deviseheißtabwarten; it’s our policy to cater for the mid-twentieswir wenden uns mit unserer Firmenpolitik an die Mittzwanziger; our policy is one of expansionwir verfolgen eine expansionsorientierte Geschäftspolitik
(= prudence, a prudent procedure)Taktikf; policy demands that the government compromisedie Regierung muss aus taktischenGründenKompromisseeingehen; it was good/bad policydas war (taktisch) klug/unklug


n(also insurance policy)(Versicherungs)policef, → Versicherungsscheinm; to take out a policyeine Versicherungabschließen


1.n (gen) → politica; (of newspaper, company) → linea di condotta, prassif inv
it is our policy to do that → fa parte della nostra prassiorpoliticafare questo
to follow a policy of → seguire una politica di
the government's policies → la politica del governo
foreign policy → politica estera
it's a matter of policy → è una questionedi principio
it would be good/bad policy to do that → sarebbe una buona/cattivapoliticafare questo
2.adj (discussion, statement) → sulla linea di condotta


2[ˈpɒlɪsɪ]n (alsoinsurance policy) → polizza (d'assicurazione)
to take out a policy → fareorstipulare un'assicurazione


(ˈpoləsi) plural ˈpolicies noun
a planned or agreed course of action usually based on particular principles. the government's policies on education. beleid سِياسَه политика política politika die Politik politik πολιτική, πρόγραμμαpolítica poliitika, käitumisjoon سیاست käytäntö politiqueמדיניות नीति politika (određena, ne kao opći pojam) politika, (irány)elvek kebijaksanaan stefna politica 方針 정책 politika politika dasar beleidpolitikk, taktikkpolityka سياست política politică политика; линия поведения; курс politika politika politika politik, hållning, policy นโยบาย politika 政策 політика پاليسي، راہ عمل chính sách 政策


(ˈpoləsi) plural ˈpolicies noun
a (written) agreement with an insurance company. an insurance policy. polis بوليصَة تأمبن полица apólice pojistka die Police police; -police ασφαλιστήριο συμβόλαιοpóliza poliis بیمه نامه vakuutussopimus police פּולִיסַת בִּיטוּחַ पॉलिसी, बीमा पत्र polica osiguranja, životno osiguranje biztosítási kötvény polis (vá)tryggingarsamningur polizza 保険証券 보험 증서 polisas, draudimo liudijimas polise polisi polispolisepolisa پاليسى apólice poliţă страховой полис poistka zavarovalna polica polisa försäkringsbrev กรมธรรม์ประกันภัย poliçe 保險單 страховий поліс بيمہ کمپني کا تحريري معاہدہ hợp đồng bảo hiểm 保险单


n. póliza; reglamento;


n (pl-cies) póliza; política; insurance — póliza de seguro; It’s not our policy to give confidential information over the telephone.No estamos autorizados a proporcionar información confidencial por teléfono.
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